Florida, Polish, Attorney, Lawyer, Polski, Prawnik, Adwokat, Floryda, USA, Agnieszka Piasecka, Aga Piasecka, Piasecka

Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka

13575 58th Street North Clearwater, Florida 33760

727-538-4171 (Clearwater, Florida)

813-786-3911 (Tampa, Florida)

303-475-7212 (Colorado *Immigration Only)

505-603-0079 (New Mexico *Immigration Only)

Licensed Attorney in the United States & Poland

Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. graduated from Law school in Poland and the United States and speaks fluent Polish, English and Italian. She obtained her Juris Doctorate Cum Laude from Stetson University College of Law in Florida, her Masters Degree in Law with Honors from Jagiellonian University in Poland and studied International Law in Holland. She is a licensed attorney / lawyer in Florida and Poland, has over 20 years of combined legal experience and two law degrees in Florida and Poland.

Attorney Piasecka can assist you with your legal needs in Florida and Poland and with your immigration needs in Chicago, Illinois, Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, New Mexico and the New York City Area.

Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. jest polskim prawnikiem  uprawnionym do praktyki prawa na Florydzie i w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka dwa dyplomy prawa i ma łącznie ponad 20 lat doświadczenia prawniczego z Polski i USA. Agnieszka uzyskała Doktorat Prawa z wyróżnieniem w Stetson University College of Law na Florydzie oraz Magistrat Prawa z wyróżnieniem na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka studiowała również Prawo Międzynarodowe na Uniwersytecie w Tilburgu, w Holandii. Agnieszka mówi biegle po polsku, po angielsku oraz po włosku.

Practice Areas

  • Quit Claim Deeds
  • Lady Bird Deeds
  • Will Contest
  • Probate
  • Avoiding Probate
  • Formal Administration
  • Summary Administration
  • Disposition of Personal Property Without Administration
  • Last Will and Testament
  • Living Wills
  • Health Care Directive
  • Advance Directive
  • Power of Attorney
  • Medical Power of Attorney
  • Trusts
  • Living trusts
  • Revocable trusts
  • Irrevocable trusts
  • Testamentary trusts
  • Charitable trusts
  • Spendthrift trusts
  • Discretionary trusts
  • Support trusts
  • Totten trusts
  • Self-settled trusts

  • U.S. Citizenship
  • U.S. Citizenship Requirements
  • The Naturalization Test
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Green Card
  • Green Card Through Family
  • Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status
  • Other Ways to Get a Green Card
  • Removing conditions on a Green Card
  • Fiancé(e) Visas
  • Fiancé(e) Visas – Children of Fiancé(e)s – Fiancé(e)
  • Permission to Work
  • Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

  • Contested Divorce
  • Uncontested Divorce
  • Collaborative Divorce
  • Equitable Distribution of Property
  • Unequal Distribution of Property
  • Alimony
  • Child Support
  • Child Custody
  • Time Sharing
  • Relocation
  • Paternity Actions
  • Domestic Violence Injunctions
  • Marital Settlement Agreements
  • Modification of Prior Judgments
  • Post Nuptial Agreements
  • Pre Nuptial Agreements

  • Personal injury claims
  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Boat accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Property damage or loss

  • Sale Transactions
  • Real Estate Purchases
  • Foreclosure Defense
  • Business Entities Formation
  • Other Contracts

  • Creation of legal documents for Poland
  • Creation of Power of Attorney for Poland
  • Creation of Disclaimer of Inheritance for Poland  

Translation of legal documents including:

  • Birth Certificates
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Death Certificates
  • Divorce Decrees
  • Wills
  • Judgments
  • Affidavits
  • Agreements
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Bylaws
  • Commercial Invoices
  • Copy of a U.S. Passport
  • Deeds of Assignment
  • Diplomas
  • Income Verification
  • Transcripts
  • Other business documents

Reviews, Attorney, Lawyer, Opinie, Prawnik, Adwokat, Agnieszka Piasecka, Aga Piasecka, Piasecka

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka’s Reviews

The independent attorney rating service, Avvo.com, recently announced its Clients’ Choice Awards for the most highly rated attorneys in the country. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka again received the Avvo Clients’ Choice Award. Avvo is an attorney rating service that has ratings, reviews, and disciplinary records for lawyers in every state. Its purpose is to help people get legal advice, find the right lawyer, and make informed legal decisions.

How the Avvo Rating is calculated

The Avvo Rating cannot be bought. The model used to calculate the rating was developed with input from hundreds of attorneys, thousands of consumers, and many other legal professionals who deeply understand the work attorneys do. The Avvo Rating reflects the type of information people have identified as important when looking to hire an attorney.

100+ Five Star Reviews

Selections for the Clients’ Choice award are made based on the number and quality of ratings and reviews an attorney receives by clients they have personally represented. The Clients’ Choice Award is reserved for attorneys, who receive a significant number of 5-star reviews on Avvo. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka has received more than 100 five star reviews and recommendations.

To read Agnieszka Piasecka’s Avvo Reviews please visit: 



Polski, Prawnik, Adwokat, Floryda, USA, Florida, Polish, Attorney, Lawyer, Agnieszka Piasecka, Aga Piasecka, Piasecka

Adwokat Agnieszka Piasecka

13575 58th Street North Clearwater, Florida 33760

727-538-4171 (Clearwater, Florida)

813-786-3911 (Tampa, Florida)

303-475-7212 (Colorado *Immigration Only)

505-603-0079 (New Mexico *Immigration Only)

Agnieszka Piasecka jest polskim prawnikiem  uprawnionym do praktyki prawa na Florydzie i w Polsce

Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka jest polskim prawnikiem  uprawnionym do praktyki prawa na Florydzie i w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka ma łącznie ponad 20 lat doświadczenia prawniczego w Polsce i USA oraz dwa dyplomy prawa. Agnieszka uzyskała Doktorat Prawa z wyróżnieniem w Stetson University College of Law na Florydzie oraz Magistrat Prawa z wyróżnieniem na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka studiowała również Prawo Międzynarodowe na Uniwersytecie w Tilburgu, w Holandii. Agnieszka mówi biegle po polsku, po angielsku oraz po włosku i może pomóc Ci w rozwiązaniu problemów prawnych na Florydzie i w Polsce.

Zakres praktyki

  • Postępowanie spadkowe
  • Testamenty
  • Trusty
  • Dyrektywy medyczne
  • Pełnomocnictwa do spraw medycznych
  • Pełnomocnictwa do wszystkich czynności prawnych
  • Pełnomocnictwa do sprzedaży nieruchomości
  • Pełnomocnictwa do poszczególnych czynności prawnych
  • Oświadczenia o odrzuceniu spadku
  • Pełnomocnictwo medyczne

  • Obywatelstwo Amerykańskie
  • Naturalizacja w Stanach Zjednoczonych
  • Test naturalizacji
  • Zielona Karta
  • Zielona Karta Przez Rodzinę
  • Zielona Karta poprzez status uchodźcy lub azylu
  • Inne sposoby uzyskania zielonej karty
  • Usuwanie warunków z zielonej karty
  • Wizy narzeczeńskie
  • Zezwolenia na pracę
  • Wnioski o wybaczenie naruszenia prawa imigracyjnego

  • Kwestionowany rozwód
  • Rozwód za porozumieniem stron
  • Opieka nad dziećmi
  • Podział majątku przy rozwodzie
  • Alimenty małżeńskie
  • Alimenty na dziecko
  • Zmiana miejsca zamieszkania – relokacja
  • Ustalenie ojcowstwa
  • Zakaz zbliżania w przypadku przemocy domowej
  • Kontrakty małżeńskie
  • Intercyzy
  • Kontrakty o rozdzielności majątkowej
  • Modyfikacja wyroków sądowych

  • Odszkodowania od firm ubezpieczeniowych
  • Wypadki drogowe
  • Wypadki samochodowe, motorowe i wodne
  • Obrażenia doznane w wyniku upadku
  • Błędy lekarskie
  • Naruszenia praw pacjenta w domach rehabilitacyjnych i domach opieki społecznej

  • Prawo Nieruchomości / Obrona Foreclosure
  • Dokumenty przenoszące prawo własności nieruchomości
  • Pomoc prawna przy kupnie i sprzedaży nieruchomości
  • Pomoc przy zakładaniu firm i korporacji
  • Inne Kontrakty

Przygotowanie dokumentów prawnych do Polski:

  • Pełnomocnictwa
  • Oświadczenia o Odrzuceniu Spadku

Klauzula Apostille oraz tłumaczenia dokumentów prawnych do Polski:

  • Pełnomocnictwa
  • Oświadczenia o Odrzuceniu Spadku
  • Akty urodzenia
  • Akty zgonu
  • Świadectwa małżeństwa
  • Wyroki rozwodowe
  • Inne wyroki i dokumenty sądowe
  • Oświadczenia o odrzuceniu lub przyjęciu spadku
  • Testamenty
  • Oświadczenia pod przysięgą
  • Faktury handlowe
  • Kopia paszportu USA
  • Dyplomy
  • Weryfikacja dochodu
  • Transkrypty
  • Umowy
  • Statut Spółki
  • Inne dokumenty biznesowe

Reviews, Attorney, Lawyer, Opinie, Prawnik, Adwokat, Agnieszka Piasecka, Aga Piasecka, Piasecka

Adwokat Agnieszka Piasecka otrzymała nagrodę Avvo Clients ‘Choice Award

Avvo.com, popularna strona prowadząca ranking adwokatów, ogłosiła niedawno swoje nagrody na podstawie opinii klientów, Avvo Clients ‘Choice Awards”, dla najwyżej ocenianych prawników w kraju. W tym roku, adwokat Agnieszka Piasecka ponownie otrzymała nagrodę Avvo Clients ‘Choice Award.

Avvo.com to niezależna strona internetowa, na której klienci mogą zamieścić swoje opinie na temat adwokatów, aby pomóc innym potencjalnym klientom w znalezieniu odpowiedniego prawnika i podejmowaniu świadomych decyzji prawnych.

Jak obliczana jest ocena Avvo

Oceny Avvo nie można kupić. Model zastosowany do punktowania prawników został opracowany przy udziale setek prawników, tysięcy konsumentów i wielu innych profesjonalistów, którzy dogłębnie rozumieją to, co robią prawnicy. Ocena Avvo odzwierciedla rodzaj informacji, które ludzie uznali za ważne, gdy chcą zatrudnić prawnika.

Ponad 100 pięciogwiazdkowych recenzji

Nominacje do nagrody klientów, Avvo Clients ‘Choice Awards, dokonywane są na podstawie liczby i jakości ocen i recenzji, które adwokat otrzymuje od klientów, których osobiście reprezentował lub udzielił im konsultacji prawnej. Nagroda wyboru klientów jest zarezerwowana dla prawników, którzy otrzymali znaczną liczbę pięciogwiazdkowych recenzji na Avvo. Adwokat, Agnieszka Piasecka, otrzymała ponad 100 pięciogwiazdkowych recenzji.

Aby przeczytać recenzje Agnieszki Piaseckiej, odwiedź:



Office Location, Adres Biura, Attorney, Lawyer, Prawnik, Adwokat, Agnieszka Piasecka, Aga Piasecka, Piasecka

Office Location by appointment only:

13575 58th St N, Clearwater, FL 33760

Immigration Assistance in Illinois, Colorado, New Mexico and Florida

Attorney Aga Piasecka can also assist you with your immigration needs in Chicago, Illinois, Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Immigration, United States, Chicago, Illinois, Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Florida, Polish, Attorney, Lawyer, Polski, Prawnik, Adwokat, Floryda, USA, Agnieszka Piasecka, Aga Piasecka, Piasecka

Florida, Illinois, Colorado, New Mexico

Attorney Aga Piasecka can assist you with most of your legal needs in Florida and with your immigration needs in the United States, including Chicago, Illinois, Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Attorney Aga Piasecka’s areas of practice in FLORIDA include:

Wills, Trusts & Probate

For more information about Wills, Trusts and Probate please visit Attorney Aga Piasecka’s  Estate Planning and Wills and Trusts websites:





Apostille Certification for Poland











Family Law & Divorce

For more information about Family Law and Divorce please visit Attorney Aga Piasecka’s  Family Law and Divorce websites:



Immigration Law




Divorce and Immigration

When the person that is seeking a divorce is also an immigrant the situation can be more complex. Aga Piasecka, Esq. has experience handling these complicated Divorce and Immigration cases and can assist you with every step of the process. For more information about Divorce and Immigration please visit Attorney Aga Piasecka’s  Divorce and Immigration websites:





Real Estate Law / Foreclosure Defense / Landlord-Tenant Disputes



Wills, Trusts and Probate Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida




Estate Planning Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida


Family Law and Divorce Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida



Divorce and Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida


Divorce and Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Largo, Florida


Divorce and Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Saint Petersburg / St. Pete, Florida


Divorce and Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Tampa, Florida


Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida



Immigration Attorney / Lawyer USA / U.S.A.


Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Denver, Colorado



Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Colorado Springs, Colorado



Abogados de Inmigración Estados Unidos / USA / U.S.A.



Polish Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado



Polski Adwokat / Prawnik Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado



Polish Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, New Mexico





Polish Immigration Attorney / Lawyer Chicago, Illinois



Polish Real Estate Law / Foreclosure Defense / Landlord-Tenant Disputes, Attorney / Lawyer Florida





Polish Attorney / Lawyer Florida / Floryda







Polski Adwokat / Prawnik Florida / Floryda



Polish Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida




Polish Attorney / Lawyer Clearwater, Florida




Polish Attorney / Lawyer Fort Myers, Florida


Polish Attorney / Lawyer Largo, Florida


Polish Attorney / Lawyer Miami, Florida


Polish Attorney / Lawyer New Port Richey, Florida




Polski Adwokat / Prawnik New Port Richey, Florida



Polish Attorney / Lawyer Orlando, Florida


Polish Attorney / Lawyer Sarasota, Florida



Polski Adwokat / Prawnik Sarasota, Florida



Polish Attorney / Lawyer Sarasota, Bradenton, Florida


Polish Attorney / Lawyer St. Pete / Saint Petersburg, Florida




Polski Adwokat / Prawnik St. Pete / Saint Petersburg, Florida



Polish Attorney / Lawyer Tampa, Florida





Polski Adwokat / Prawnik Tampa, Florida




Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka’s Websites and Blogs








Office Location / Adres Biura

Office Location Adres Biura Attorney Aga Piasecka

Geographic Specific Information

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat New Port Richey / Port Richey, Polish Lawyer New Port Richey / Port Riechey. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near New Port Richey / Port Richey, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911.

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat Tampa / Tampa Bay Polish Lawyer Tampa / Tampa Bay. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Tampa / Tampa Bay, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat Sarasota / Bradenton, Polish Lawyer Sarasota Bradenton. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Sarasota / Bradenton, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach, Polish Lawyer Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat Clearwater / Clearwater Beach, Polish Lawyer Clearwater / Clearwater Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Clearwater / Clearwater Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka, Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near the cities of New Port Richey / Port Richey. She is a Polish Lawyer near New Port Richey / Port Riechey. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has her law office near New Port Richey / Port Richey, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911. Agnieszka „Aga” Piasecka jest polskim prawnikiem na Florydzie uprawnionym do praktykowania prawa na Florydzie i w Polsce.

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near Tampa / Tampa Bay. She is Polish Lawyer near Tampa / Tampa Bay. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near the city of Tampa / Tampa Bay, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near Sarasota / Bradenton. She is a Polish Lawyer near Sarasota and Bradenton. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach. She is a Polish Lawyer near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat in Clearwater near Clearwater Beach. She is Polish Lawyer Clearwater and Clearwater Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Clearwater and Clearwater Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near the cities of New Port Richey and Port Richey. She is a Polish Lawyer near New Port Richey and Port Richey. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near New Port Richey and Port Richey, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat close to Tampa and Tampa Bay. She is a Polish Lawyer close to Tampa and Tampa Bay. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Tampa and Tampa Bay, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida. She is a Polish Lawyer near Sarasota Bradenton. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach. She is a Polish Lawyer near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik in Clearwater / Clearwater Beach. She is a Polish Lawyer in Clearwater near Clearwater Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in Clearwater near Clearwater Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik near New Port Richey / Port Richey. She is a Polish Lawyer near New Port Richey and Port Riechey. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near New Port Richey / Port Richey, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik near Tampa / Tampa Bay. She is a Polish Lawyer in the Tampa / Tampa Bay area. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in the Tampa / Tampa Bay area, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik near Sarasota / Bradenton. Aga Piasecka, Esq. is Polish Lawyer close to Sarasota and Bradenton. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach. Aga is a Polish Lawyer near Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik in Clearwater near Clearwater Beach. Aga is a Polish Lawyer in Clearwater / Clearwater Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in Clearwater near Clearwater Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik New Port Richey / Port Richey, Polish Lawyer near New Port Richey and Port Riechey. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near New Port Richey and Port Richey, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik Tampa / Tampa Bay area. Aga is a Polish Lawyer Tampa / Tampa Bay area. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Tampa and the Tampa Bay area of Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik Sarasota / Bradenton. Aga is a Polish speaking Lawyer near Sarasota and Bradenton. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach. Aga is a Polish Lawyer near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near Saint Petersburg and St Pete Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik Clearwater / Clearwater Beach, Aga is a Polish speaking Lawyer in Clearwater near Clearwater Beach. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in Clearwater close to Clearwater Beach, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Prawnik New Port Richey / Port Richey, Attorney Piasecka is a Polish Lawyer near the cities of New Port Richey and Port Riechey. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office near the cities of New Port Richey and Port Richey, Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat in the Tampa Bay area. Attorney Piasecka is a Polish Lawyer Tampa / Tampa Bay. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat in the Sarasota / Bradenton area. Attorney Piasecka is a Polish speaking Lawyer in the Sarasota Bradenton area. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in the Sarasota / Bradenton area of Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat in the Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach area. Attorney Piasecka is a Polish speaking Lawyer in the Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach area. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in the Saint Petersburg / St Pete Beach area of Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, Polski Adwokat in the Clearwater / Clearwater Beach area. Attorney Piasecka is a Polish Lawyer in the Clearwater / Clearwater Beach area. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka speaks fluent Polish, has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and has a law office in the Clearwater / Clearwater Beach area of Florida. Attorney Aga Piasecka, Esq. is lawyer in Florida and in Poland. For a FREE consultation call 727-538-4171 or 813-786-3911

Chicago, Illinois Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Chicago, Illinois Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in Chicago, Illinois U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Chicago, Illinois Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Chicago Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Chicago Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in Chicago U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Chicago Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Santa Fe, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Santa Fe, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Santa Fe, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Rio Rancho, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Rio Rancho, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Rio Rancho, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Albuquerque, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Albuquerque, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Albuquerque, New Mexico Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Denver, Colorado Springs, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Colorado Springs, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Colorado Springs, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Colorado Springs, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Colorado Springs Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Colorado Springs Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Colorado Springs Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Denver Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Denver Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Denver Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Albuquerque Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Albuquerque Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Albuquerque Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Santa Fe Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Santa Fe Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Santa Fe Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Chicago Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Chicago Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in Chicago U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Chicago Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Rio Rancho Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a Polish Lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Rio Rancho Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Rio Rancho Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

Denver, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is a lawyer / Polski Prawnik / Polski Adwokat in the U.S.A. and Poland with has 20+ years of combined experience in Poland and USA, and two Law Degrees. Denver, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with: Avoiding Deportation, Work Permits, Application for Permanent Residence, Student Visas, Business Visas, Finance Visas, U.S. Citizenship, Travel Documents, Green Cards, Green Card Sponsorship, Green Card Through Family, Green Card Through a Job, Green Card Through Business, Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status, your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. For a FREE consultation call Denver, Colorado Polish Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka at: 727-538-4171 / 813-786-3911 / 303-475-7212

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